

This article is 4 years old, and might be out of date.

Special event: Saturday night only—Meet the filmmakers! A Q&A with Danny Schur and Rick Chafe.

Stand! is a musical, set against the backdrop of the Winnipeg General Strike.

1919: Stefan and his father Mike flee Ukraine for the New World, where they struggle to earn enough to re-unite the family. Stefan is instantly smitten with the Jewish suffragette neighbour, Rebecca – but Rebecca’s brother Moishe and Mike oppose the would-be Romeo and Juliet. Returned soldiers, angry at the lack of jobs after the war, violently threaten the city’s immigrants, including Emma, the refugee from racial persecution in Oklahoma. When a movement develops for workers to leave their jobs in protest, AJ Anderson, a wealthy lawyer, pits all against each other in a dramatic and inspirational final stand.

This film is rated PG.

See Also

Stand! Official Site